Thursday 28 May 2015

Climbing the cloud

On Tuesday (the first official day of the school holidays) we headed over to MummyM'sMemories, as the boys wanted to see Dave the dragon, (a former pet that belonged to there Uncle) I didn't hesitate in making the plans when the boys suggested it as it's always great to catch up with a good friend and the boys always get along well with the girls. It was great timing aswell, due to the building work going on in our house it meant the boys and I were out of the chaos and mess.  

We headed over a bit later than planned due to the boys being sleepy heads with a picnic, ready for what the day may bring.  We had pre-arranged to either visit Biddulph Gardens or to climb the cloud.  While deciding over a coffee the children were hungry so tucked into the picnic before going, it did save us carrying it.  

Once everyone was fed and watered we headed out to climb the cloud, the boys were quite puzzled at first but then got stuck in after realising it was the name of a big hill or to them a mountain. O loves to climb trees so any opportunity he was up a tree, I'm sure he should be a monkey.  

J kept ahead exploring while waiting for the others, but he was kept company by JM (MummyM's eldest), I think they have a soft spot for each other, young love ❤️, lol. 

It wasn't long till we were at the top, the children all had a drink and a biscuit before we started our decent down. 

The boys had a great day, as they love being out in the fresh air and being able to run free.  Here are some other pics from our day.

Me, O, S & J at the Trig Point

The View from the top

Seeing what was on the other side

 More things for O to climb!

Two of them even fell asleep on the way home, which I think is always a good sign of a good day!

Thanks for reading. ❤️

1 comment:

  1. It was a great day out, was lovely to see both J's getting on so well. :-)
