Tuesday 19 May 2015

Why does everything happen?

This year so far has turned into a hectic year, we finally started working on our extension at the beginning of May which has been in the planning since the end of last year when we purchased the house, there are new decisions to be made everyday, a new kitchen to plan, and bedrooms to re-arranged.

My operation date came through for the end of June, which was meant to be the time when my hubby goes away with the lads for a weekend away.  This has been in the planning since Christmas. 

I have finally found focus and realised what I would like to do as a career, and starting to get my life on track now that the boys are all in school, I am finally finding me again.

Why does everything happen at once?

This is the question I seem to always ask myself as this always seems to happen to me, I am at the moment considering postponing my operation, would this be better to alleviate the amount of stress I am under or should I leave it and get it over and done with.  Is there a good time or will there always be something that comes else??  

A lot of my friends know me as a bit of a control freak with ocd tendencies (only because I like things just so), would being laid up in recovery be good for me   knowing I can't do anything whilst living in a building site, I'm thinking not at the moment.  How do you know what to do for the best, or do you just see how everything turns out??

I hate making big decisions, but looks like I have to.

That's for reading 😀. x

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is such a big decision. I think with that operation, you need to be 100% on board with it. So far everything health wise is hunk dory, how will you feel if you get bad a week after postponing? Will the surgeons be happy with postponing, or will you have to go through the full route again? Do you know the realistic healing time for the operation? Life sucks sometimes... :-(
    only you know the right decision. But here with an ear if you need to talk it through. :-)
