Saturday 2 May 2015

Hello - My reasons

Hello, My name is Anne and I am the writer of 3boyshubbyandme.

My blog is to capture my building project on my house as we live in it, (which has started today).

My blog is to capture my progress through a life changing operation with my Ulcerative colitis.

My blog is to capture all the goings on, that i don't want to forget.

My blog is to capture the antics and adventures we embark on.

My blog is to remember all the memories my "why's" create.

My blog is to capture my life as i embark on new ventures in business.

I'm new to blogging, and still finding my feet, so please be gentle with me. 

Thanks for reading.  


  1. Welcome to the world of blogging! I've been blogging since June last year and I love it. I wish I'd have started earlier! Looking forward to reading more of your posts and getting to know you :)

  2. Welcome. I look forward to following your different life changing events and reading your memories. Good luck and enjoy. X

  3. Welcome to blogging I have been blogging for a while now but had several breaks and I'm just trying to get back into it again, I look forward to your posts x
